Why Are Some Psychics Better & More Accurate Than Others?

Fernando Marron
8 min readFeb 23, 2021


Psychic Myths, Confusion and Industry Standards

Of all of the myths and misconceptions there are about psychics and their ability to sense the future, this one is the most common. When I give someone a reading, I make it perfectly clear in advance that psychics do not know or sense everything. We can only gather impressions, sense detail and from those tidbits make a “best guess” or prediction based on assumption. That is a BIG BIG difference from being omnipotent and “knowing everything”. This simple fact has confused many people throughout history and perpetuated a hell of a lot of ignorance about this work and what we are capable of doing with our psychic skills.

One text book example of this kind of ignorance, was when Theresa Caputo was going through the process of a divorce and openly shared her very personal struggle on her show. I cringed when shortly thereafter I saw tv talk show host Meghan McCain, from ABC’s “The View” attempt to rake Theresa over the coals because she didn’t see her own future or know she would get a divorce. Based on this lack of knowledge, it was Meghan’s opinion that Theresa was a fraud and had no real ability at all. What a load of BULLSHIT and THIS clear example is just one of many that shows the level of ignorance which is perpetuated publicly within Hollywood and the News Media regarding psychic ability and how it actually works. No offense to Meghan but she doesn’t really know what she’s talking about in this instance. This sort of misinformation is not only relegated to opinionated public personalities on television but amongst the average population as well. Sadly, and in many cases it’s also the psychics themselves who reinforce this ignorance and common belief that we know all things and are supposed to be infallible.

I can not tell you how often a client has assumed that I know everything about them and that all of the details of their life have been miraculously downloaded into my mind the moment I mentally tune in. As if I were some sort of super computer with limitless storage capacity. On a good day I can barely remember most people’s names, let along KNOW everything about a person. Their responses are usually a dead giveaway, no pun intended, that this is the client’s belief when they say things like “No need to mention it to you, I’m sure you can see all of that.” or “Why am I going on about this? You already know it.”, etc. This is why I take the time at the beginning of each session to make it absolutely clear to the client who and what I actually am. What I, as a psychic, CAN and CAN NOT do and what they can expect from their time with me. It‘s vital to recondition the client’s belief system so that they come into their appointment with realistic expectations. This way they can have a genuine, authentic experience of psychic ability and can get the most out of their session. It also provides for a better sensing environment for the psychic as well so that they don’t have to submit to the pressure of having to validate centuries old outdated ideas, in ignorance, and to do some damage control and elevate the genuine psychic industry.

From the opposite side of things, I’ve also seen working psychics avoid the same opportunity of clarifying the ongoing industry stigma, confusion and misinformation. The psychic instead proudly embraces their client’s assumption that they “know everything” and use it to feel good, build up their own ego and further their reputation. And when the time comes that they have to prove their skills, only end up deflecting attention elsewhere to avoid damaging their reputation. It’s ultimately their fear of being wrong which backs the psychic into a corner because NEVER BEING WRONG is considered the only accepted measure of accuracy and validation. This kind of expectation and scrutiny in the industry has been going on for centuries. Psychics have no room for error and in my professional opinion that alone is ridiculous.

Now, I’m not talking about “so called” psychics with ZERO legitimacy who get on by because of the public’s belief in psychics. I’m talking about genuine psychics with REAL ability, validating evidence and who have proven themselves. Why do we continue to subject genuine psychics to a level of scrutiny that has never been applied to other professions in their own respective fields such as physicians, scientists and meteorologists for example? If we discontinued relying on meteorologists because their predictions did not achieve a 100% accuracy rate, then we would end up having a lot more problems to deal with than a few bad forecasts. And even in that, Meteorologist’s predictions change all the time because of shifting variables and new data that allow for them to alter their forecast model in response.

Don’t get me wrong. This article is in no way meant to come across as if I’m making excuses for psychics who are actually really bad at being psychics or for those frauds out there who are con artists and take advantage of people in real need. But in reality, there are many reputable, verifiable psychics and mediums in this industry who have time and time again proven themselves and their ability. And amongst the genuine professionals out there of course there are the rockstars and the mediocre. What makes the difference in their individual capability of sensing is proper training and a level of skill in assessing and distinguishing what they sense and tune into.

The Difference Between The Psychic Rockstars & The Mediocre

When I first started developing, my level of sensing detail was blah. I mean, I couldn’t really give you specifics because as a natural empath (emotionally sensative to others and energy) I was only capable of picking up on emotional energy. Sometimes I’d luck out and could relate the emotion to a type of experience and situation, but for the most part I had no real ability to distinguish and sense the level of detail I can today. As time went on I got more comfortable and gave myself permission to make mistakes through my ongoing development. One thing I learned in all my years of working at Starbucks is that it’s ok to make mistakes as long as you learn from them and push yourself to get better. So little by little I began to take more and more risks to my reputation and forced myself to make public predictions. In time, several of my predictions were proven accurate, but it wasn’t until I trained with reputable Professional Psychic Pam Coronado, that I took my ability into the big leagues.

Pam is a Professional Psychic Detective who specializes in missing persons cases with law enforcement, the FBI and has been featured on multiple tv shows including her own series Sensing Murder produced by Investigation Discovery. Her sensing ability is based on strategies used by the US military during their Psychic Spy program back in the 70’s and 80’s. Her unique remote viewing techniques, which she utilizes with her missing person cases, really helped me level up my own psychic abilities. It taught me to never take anything I sensed at face value and to really spend quality time analyzing and assessing what I was getting. In applying her teachings, I began to understand my own mind’s natural methodology in picking up on details and how it would get interpreted through my mind’s perspective.

What I would sense or assumed I’d sense wasn’t always the case and as I sifted through my impressions, hyper-focusing on highlighted details, would gain clarity on the established target. The target being a question being asked or a scene and scenario I intended to perceive. Pam’s approach really did open up a whole new way of sensing for me and made my ability that much more proficient. Don’t get me wrong, I’m human and can still make mistakes in my assesments and disappoint occasionally, though that is never ever my intent and effort. It’s not easy figuring out those level of details in my mind and if I’m not careful may misunderstand and misinterpret details. But without a doubt my level of accuracy rate has improved greatly over many years and I have Pam to thank for that.

This reality is also why psychics are unable to guarantee any measure of accuracy for any service offered. If you ever catch a psychic promoting an accuracy rate on their site, RUN! The likelihood that they are stringing you along and pulled that number out of their own asses is ACCURATELY 100%. I GUARANTEE IT! It looks good as a marketing tactic and psychics who just don’t know any better will commonly make that mistake. I personally can’t speak for other psychics but I am 100% upfront and honest with my clients about my ability. Until there is a system that can be used as a base level of measure for accuracy with psychic predictions (which I’m actually working on as a new standard for this industry), It’s just ethically the right thing to do so they know what they are dealing with.

This is the reason people usually have to fill out and sign a butt load of paper work every time we visit a doctor or seek medical treatment. Because these industries understand that things can occasionally go wrong, despite any best effort made to avoid such. Our system of government, attorneys and scientist understand this truth which is why there are legal protections made to support professionals in these industries. If any of those professionals eff’d up because they stepped outside those protections and made grand claims then that’s on them and they should be held accountable. Unfortunately, these same protections and regulations don’t exist in the psychic industry which is why it’s important to do your homework and understand how a psychic actually works and look for evidence (reviews, dated prediction posts, live validating demonstrations) which supports their stated ability.

Now to circle back and answer the question “Why Are Some Psychics Better & More Accurate Than Others?” It comes down to honesty and a psychic’s ability to practice effectively and strategically. That is what really distinguishes a good and accurate psychic from those who generalize their statements and coast along from common public myth. This is also the difference why some psychics are really really good and others are just meh and can get by. If any intuitive… any of them with good raw ability practices, trains, structures and at times uncomfortably pushes themselves to sense and distinguish detail consistently then they’re likely to do well. You could end up with a psychic who spends 30 minutes talking about one general issue with limited details or a proficient one who can cover all of their basis (health, finances, career/work, relationships) with specifics, including time frames in the same amount of time. But in all honestly, the level of dedication and skill development I’ve mentioned is true for almost every circumstance in which a talented person has gained notoriety, fame and recognition for their work in all other industries. So the old adage of “practice makes perfect” is certainly true in the account of experiencing genuine and statistically more accurate psychic ability.

For more information about Ferny and his work, go to www.FernandoMarron.com



Fernando Marron

Most people call me Ferny. Connecting with Spirit and Channeling higher knowledge is my life’s work. May these articles help you on your own spiritual journey.