Prophetic Dream: Powerful Black Woman Holds The Trump Card

Fernando Marron
7 min readJan 6, 2022


On November 4th, 2020 I had a prophetic dream regarding an investigation of political significance which I publicly shared on social media. The investigation was being conducted, with the help of insiders, by a prominent public black women whose work seemed to be a significant threat to a political figure. In the dream it appeared that the male political figure and his family, aligned with conservative organizations and institutions, had underestimated the power of this legal and investigative powerhouse. At the time of this dream I believed it could have related to a child abuse investigation and missing person’s crimes. I believe I now understand the information and symbolism revealed to me and what it may pertain to.

The Dream

Dream: (Warning Graphic & Disturbing Details)

“I had this dream last night where I’m not sure how it fits in with anything that is happening right now. But it’s possible that it may connect to the dream I shared a few weeks ago about a file or case regarding a young female or university student that’s connected to trump and a sexual assault case. In the dream last night I was a member who worked for part of the team that was connected to one of the candidates running for president. Everyone thought so highly of this man and would never speak ill of him. Always allowed him lead way with anything he would make mistakes with. They were also of “upper breeding and wealthy as all the details and fixtures at the party were refined and luxurious”.

The candidate, his whole family and supporting group were all celebrating inside of this old building that reminded me of a fort like the Alamo. It felt like an old American/Texas town building. Where it was once grand and magnificent and had become dilapidated and run down. But these people had made it look nice and upscale as a dilapidated old building. They were celebrating this candidate and there was one member of the family who had long straight blonde hair. She had children and it was a family secret that the father had molested/assaulted young females in the past as well as children. Even though they knew this, they didn’t say anything and would never speak ill of him to ensure his reputation and treat him very holier than thou. When the family left elsewhere, the older male/candidate was left behind with one of the granddaughters.

I was outside and I could hear one of the little girls screaming and crying and I knew that their grandfather was hurting her and was telling her to shush. At this point in the dream I was freaking out and trying to get people to help and do something about the issue. But no one would help me and everyone continued to ignore what was obvious. At that point the family came back and acted as if the celebration were continuing. A few moments later a younger, curvy black female snuck into the fort from a side door. She was trying to avoid being seen but was also trying to bring attention to her cause. She reminded me of Breonna Tayler. She had a photo graph in her hands of a young female that was an unresolved case. She was trying to get help with the case and the family at the party did not want her there. They felt she was ghetto and of lower class and was undeserving of their attention. I saw her and she was scared of me and thought I would hurt her.

Knowing what I knew about the candidate, I offered to help her and bring to light about the girl int he picture from the case. She let me help her and I kept hiding her to keep her safe from these men in black types who were trying to find her and get rid of her. She also commented to me about the house that used to stand there before. That it was beautiful and it was one of her favorite places before it became dilapidated. Then I woke up. If I were to break down my dream, I’d say that there’s some shady dealings happening behind the scenes with hiding information regarding misconduct with young girls and children. The guy’s family would match up to the components in the dream. They’ve kept things under wraps but situations involving racial injustices being ignored or not properly dealt with, insider help with people who know more and how much has been swept under the rug, and possibles ties to Jeffrey Epstein’s case or my dream about a female case being hidden may all tie in to reveal a lot more craziness in the days, weeks and months to come. Not sure but that’s what I garner. Also the dilapidated building may represent the White House or historical American building/culture/legacy being eroded and having the level of protection like a fort.”

My Interpretation

Often, with prophetic dreams, there is a lot of symbolism that can complicate understanding the meaning of the dream. Also, I’ve come to understand that some of those elements may have yet to show up in real-world happenings, and information that can relate to various situations can become fused into one narrative when dreaming. A few days ago, I caught a headline in the news that immediately grabbed my attention. It was about the trump family refusing to participate or give any of their time or attention to the New York Attorney General Leticia James and her investigation regarding taxes and missing information about their business dealings.

I think there was an overlap in my dream regarding the trump tax investigation and the proceedings regarding Jeffrey Epstein, which is now coming to a completion. I also had two additional prophetic dreams regarding that case which I’ll expand on in another article. Here’s what I’m thinking about this dream and what the symbolism may have meant.

Breaking It Down

  • I believe the political figure and movement leader in my dream may have been trump, his family, and the conservative groups they have been steering during and since his presidency.
  • The vulnerable and underaged victims in my dream may represent those who were taken advantage of financially, sexually and the ties to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine’s operations.
  • In the dream, I was an informant or insider of the trump camp, businesses and had witnessed crimes involving financial dealings and underaged victims.
  • The well-known black woman and investigator in the dream were looking into criminal activity regarding dealings within the prominent organization, crimes against young girls and women, missing information, and possibly missing victims or eyewitnesses. She appreciated the traditional public institution that had persisted and stood as a symbol of justice and was underestimated, shunned, and ignored by the prominent wealthy, racist, classist family. I believe this woman to be Leticia James, whose investigation has received much less attention and focus than the events and investigations regarding The January 6 Insurrection.
  • The Alamo or Texas-style historic ruins used by the prominent family in my dream may represent Mar-a-Lago, which is also a Spanish named, and style resort and national historic landmark in Palm Beach, Florida, built from 1924 to 1927 occupied currently by the trump family.
  • In the dream, the prominent family celebrated and acted as if they had won their election even though they had not, and it was an obvious farce. I believe this to be the events surrounding the election and aftermath as “The Big Lie” continued to be perpetuated and reinforced by the family and the movement it represented.

Both Breonna and Leticia symbolize prominent Black Women whose causes represent justice, law enforcement, investigations and the pursuit of truth. It’s no wonder my mind used Breonna as a stand in for The Attorney General.

My working theory is that many financial matters regarding the trump organization may involve tax evasion, shady dealings with well-known political figures, organized criminal activities, and money funneled for sex crimes through Mar-a-Lago, prominent real estate ventures other internal company’s operations. The New York Attorney General may be inching her way closer to discovering the intricate inner workings, law-breaking activities, and revealing the criminal network tied to the former president, his family, and allies. If you haven’t heard the true story of the Alamo, then you should give it a look.

The Mexican government abolished slavery and made it illegal. This affected territories within Mexico’s jurisdiction, including Texas at the time, and its citizens whose profitability was dependent on the trafficking and slavery of human beings, specifically Black people. Texans revolted and fought back against the progressive changes and sought its independence. The Alamo was one such place, a fort that fell and was completely overrun by Mexican forces. The revolutionaries who stood their ground and refused to surrender their cause or the fort and were killed as they held out, waiting for reinforcements from their movement. I wonder if history will repeat itself once again.



Fernando Marron

Most people call me Ferny. Connecting with Spirit and Channeling higher knowledge is my life’s work. May these articles help you on your own spiritual journey.