Animals Are An Extension Of Our Souls & Source

Fernando Marron
7 min readSep 7, 2020


I’m Pretty Sure My Cat Is My Soul Mate.

I met Mama Cat several years ago when she showed up at our doorstep wanting food. Ed befriended her as he felt sorry for her. She had a gash across her head, and he gave her what he could every day to help her heal. I was doing everything in my power to avoid becoming attached to any new kitties because we had two girls already, Chanel and Indiara. The last thing I needed was to let my heart connect with all the strays that cycled through our block yearly. Well, as it turns out, my heart stood no chance when she came into our lives. After a few weeks, there was just no way she and I would be separable.

I know the precise moment it happened. When our spirits connected. It was Valentine’s Day, and I was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor, on our rug, petting Mama Cat as she lay on my lap. I thought to myself, “Perhaps I should know what it’s like for a cat to give birth. In case she doesn’t have her litter of kittens under the neighbor’s house like the last batch.” She was pregnant, and we knew her time was getting closer. So as she lay there napping, I got my phone out and searched YouTube to find cats giving birth videos.

“Ok, ok, I can do this.” I thought to myself as I put my phone down after watching a few clips and went back to petting Mommy. At that moment, she began to crouch. A “synchronicity” perhaps that then and there she started going into labor. And right there on my lap, her water had broken, and it was time to have her kittens. LOL. I can’t say I wasn’t prepared. So I called out for Ed, and he ran in completely confused as to what to do. I put her to my side, got up, and pulled the rug over into our tile sun room and away from our original hardwood floors. Delicately, I began to position her and prepared to help her through the process. There was a moment where she was starting to push, and she looked up at me with the most loving and vulnerable eyes. I knew she was scared and was turning to me for help. I just looked into her eyes, letting her know that I wasn’t going anywhere, and she was not alone. At that moment, I knew I was in loving being-ness with her. Such a deep love I can not explain. I helped her through the night, and she gave birth to 5 healthy cute kittens. That was on Valentine’s Day, and I will never forget that experience.

Love Comes Through All Forms

Since I began my work in forming a more authentic connection to Source and God, I’ve come to understand that love comes through all forms. Source can only be the experience of Oneness with the Universe by being the universe. Source/God is all things by expressing and being through all things. I’ve often said that God was the witness of creation, and we are all the moving parts and pieces of that creation. We experience singularly through our limited human perspective, but we are also much more than the individual in these bodies. We may not remember ourselves in larger form, but that’s ok. We aren’t supposed to be going through life from that point of view. Our current human view and perspective is our priority while we reside on this physical plane.

As aspects of the Divine, all things living and inanimate understand this unity. That means that the world around us, including the people and living beings we engage with, is an aspect of the divine engaging with us in different ways. Source engaging with itself in form. So our pets and fur babies are God in a form within our individual lives. Though our animals are not the summation of all things in form, they represent a loving being making itself known in your life through a form. The same form we are all a part of.

The Repeating Cycle Of Expression & Creating

I’ve never felt as close to any person or animal on this planet as I’ve felt with my Mama Cat. There’s an intelligence and knowingness there between us that I simply can not explain. I know what she is feeling, and she knows what I am as well. There is a bond there that breaks my heart simply thinking about it because I can not fathom my life without her. The depth of connection and love is on a whole other level, and I don’t know how I got along without her. Like a part of me and my personality is exemplified there behind those beautiful green eyes.

As my channeling sessions have continued, I’ve learned that there is a very clear reason why there is the belief that we reincarnate into or from animals depending on our Karma in other cultures. According to Asha, this is only partly accurate. As Souls, we are in constant motion with giving ourselves experiences that resonate with the purpose of our being. And within the reality of life, there is a repeating pattern of Source and love coming through and being in all things. It’s a continuous cycle of birth and rebirth. Beings and experiences that come close within our orbit of reality and represent our being-ness. Also known as a law of attraction and manifestation. Expansion within expansion from expansion. So all that exists is part of God’s repeating process being all things through all things and reflecting itself to us within all the aspects, beings, and circumstances of our life.

Your Soul Reflections In The Matrix

Within our reality matrix (physical world, Earth plane) is a mechanism in which the world view or life bubble we each live within is supported by reinforcing forms of being. In other words, we do not simply live within our bodies. Our energy being expanded outwards, and our life reflects this expanded form that is in collaboration with the being-ness of others. So our individual reality is a reflection of our chosen state of being-ness as Source through personality. But the environment and aspects of the life we exist within is also part of us. So the people around me, my home, things, and surroundings are representations of me and us in collaboration with each other. The matrix conforms to our collective will to exist in human form. The scientific laws that guide all forms, which we associate entirely with the natural world, are simply the effects and evidence of this collective reality matrix and energy engagement.

As for our pets and my Mama Cat, it seems that these special friends, in many instances, can be much more than just friends. They can actually be us. Us in Source form expressing in a form that is representative and reflective of all of our being-ness. So when I experience and feel my connection to Mommy, it means I’m actually connecting to God and my deeper Soul in awareness. So the Soul will express itself in various forms throughout a lifetime. And we are these animals and ourselves and also other forms within the same reality matrix. The connection we feel to those we refer to as Soul Mates is also connected to ourselves in another simultaneous form. This is why more people are today than there may be Souls actually manifesting in this reality matrix. Because it isn’t that more Souls are being born, but instead a multiplication of Souls being Source and expanding out into various more forms with each new creation, experience, and expression.
Source or God broke itself into smaller pieces to know itself as a piece, and then that piece broke itself further, and so on. Quite simply, we are God. We are Soul (broken up or smaller piece of God/Source). We are our unique personalities as an individual piece, and the form of God and the other beings we are surrounded by in our lives may be parts of the same energy form that is our Soul. So essentially, we are God sacrificing itself for form, sacrificing ourselves for form, and so forth. This is why I don’t believe in the traditional idea of a Soul Mate or Twin Flame because most people confuse what that actually is in comparison to a Kindred Soul. Another being who comes into your sphere of physical reality is that you fall in love, form a deep bond with, and experience human life — often having various incarnations within different timelines. That’s quite a difference compared to these parts of our Soul that are actually US in a different form within our lifetime. Based on this understanding, my connection to my Mama Cat is actually me having a relationship with my own Soul in another form. A loving animal form.

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Fernando Marron

Most people call me Ferny. Connecting with Spirit and Channeling higher knowledge is my life’s work. May these articles help you on your own spiritual journey.