2020–2025 Psychic Predictions, Trends and Beyond
This is my first official predictions and trends forecast for the next 5+ years. I’ve made public predictions before, and several of these predictions I’ve already shared through podcasts, live events and in private readings over the last 1.5 years. I decided to sum them up and offer a more extensive list that included a wide range of topics and areas. I’ll add further information in follow-up forecasts and articles as I sense them.
Remember that Psychic and intuitive sensing is not a perfect science. Psychics (people who are just good as paying attention to their senses, mental processes surrounding events and changes with details including thoughts, emotions and meaning from personal frame of reference) do not know or see everything. We are all psychic by the way. So whoever said it’s rare or that it only happens to chosen few are full of it. We (psychics) simply sense details surrounding focus points and that’s a huge distinction that most people and popular culture have difficulty making. If a psychic ever states that they know everything and are highly accurate or they’re always right then run because they are straight up lying. There is no appropriate rating system that can fully account for psychic accuracy at this time regarding predictions and forecasting.
What’s a Prediction?
A prediction is a mix of different elements and variables that come together, which I use to make a “best guess”. What I sense is based out of my sphere of reality and belief system. A sphere of reality is the model of real world probabilities we each believe is possible and is formed from our individual frame of reference. What you experience and understand to be possible or a norm becomes your sphere of reality. Though anything is possible, most psychics tend not to sense anything outside of this belief bubble unless it’s destiny and meant to be known by the psychic. I think 2020 definitely expanded my sphere of reality, lol. I tend to lean on the side of practicality and try not to create stories or make grand statements when forecasting the future. So for those of you wondering what else is in store for 2020, I’m not seeing any zombie apocalypses happening any time soon.
These predictions may deviate slightly or simply be themes that arise in the public consciousness and become focuses in media. They may not actually happen as expected. When I tune into the future, I’m sensing details and energy surrounding potentials. Because I have previously sensed realized potentials without the actual scenarios fully materializing, I never assume what I am sensing or seeing to be a certainty. It may be that I only sensed variables within the potential event and assumed it took place. But elements of the prediction actually happening without the full situation occurring is still valid as a percieved event. As an example of this, earlier this year, during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, I sensed several details that lead me to believe a particular outcome and trend for published public graphs of infection rates I assumed would occur. The graph I publicly posted did closely mimic official reports as I had predicted per the time frame I indicated. After that time frame ended, another wave and increase of infection rates occurred outside the time frame indicated by my graphic. So it looks like I only saw part of the trend in my forecast model. I also spoke of another period of lock downs and reduced activity at the end of 2020 because people would become sick and many would be worried of another wave. Initially I assumed these were simply connected to a variation of the flu and would not be completley attributed to the corona virus. Though I never stated the pandemic would stop before the end of 2020, I did indicate infections would be more flu like and less deadly. This felt so evident that I just assumed what would flare up at the end of the year would just be a mutated form of the flu. As we are approaching the end of 2020, we do seem to be trending towards a larger wave of Covid-19 infections, though the the spread pattern and strain seem less deadly in fact so it is left to be seen if we will repeat similar mortality rates as we did earlier in 2020.
Another detail I sensed during the early period of the pandemic was the arrival of a military medical ship within Texas borders and gulf coast. This ship would be aiding the efforts because of a large increase in infection cases and the state’s medical system would be beyond its capacity to sustain the hospitalization rates. To my knowledge this event did not occur, and though there were plans which were reported to the media outlets, those were cancelled and it did not actually happen.
Many skeptics may say I’m making excuses and that I’m not standing by my predictions. Psssh… give me a break! We all still watch and trust, more or less, our current method of weather forecasting despite the fact that weather forecasting has lacked definitive accuracy on a regular basis. Psychic and energy sensing is no different. If theres a pretty good track record for sensed data through psychic sensing by a particular psychic then they should receive the credibility they are entitled to. So I whole heartedly stand by my predictions, even if they only partially materialize or not at all. These statements and predictions are the closest I can come to assessing and analyzing psychically what may happen in our society, culture and world within the next 5 years or so. It is honest psychic sensing within the only degree of promise I am able to offer.
There are no guarantees or absolutes with psychic predictions and the degree of accuracy for psychics is dependent on their detail sensing rate. Currently no model or process exist for examining and rating psychic predictions within this understanding. Existing testing models will negate a prediction if it is not completely correct. Even if elements of the original prediction are valid, the prediction is assumed to be wrong. Maybe one day, when psychic sensing is taking more seriously and truly understood will a grading system be designed to validate the level of detail that can be sensed by authentic and good psychics. A model that can be based on the percentage accuracy of projections that can be used in a variety of applications.
So the following data points and statements are my predictions, projections, trends and what I consider highly probable potentials which we may see evidence of within the time frames indicated.
Trump, United States, Economy & Social Issues
- Donald Trump will face many charges and accusations after he is outside the office of the presidency. Also taking into account a catastrophic exit and transition of power, allegations may include money laundering, corruption, human rights violations, illegal arms sales and conspiring to damage/dissolve/break US democratic procedures, federal and international policies and laws. What may have the biggest legal impact may have to do with sexual misconduct that may be tied to other political officials both Republican and Democratic and reveal his ties to shadow organizations regarding human trafficking, drugs and pedophilia. He may choose to operate and reside outside the United States borders and jurisdiction for a time, though extradition attempts will be made.
- 2020–2022 may see a significant increase in domestic race centric terrorism and violence from extremists groups. Global terrorism may also increase and hacking or security breaches in information may grow to an all time high. This will also increase profitability, growth and creation of businesses designed to protect and secure information at the ground level with civilians and through government sponsorships and programs.
- Sweeping policy reforms may enter the area of all branches of government within the United States in an attempt to limit various powers while increasing the likelihood of stability in periods of unrest and reinforcing citizen protections. Though these initiatives may not pass immediately and go back and forth within the various areas of government, both federal and on the state level, most of the US will align with efforts within 10 years.
- The US will offer asylum or path to citizenship for a majority if not all of the displaced children that have been detained by ICE during the Trump administrations tenure. The group of children will be called by a nick name associated with the number to be assisted. Social Services programs and support will be offered to the group, which may carry a social stigma, as they are integrated and placed with families.
- Policies protecting the integrity of factual knowledge and information suitable for public distribution by internet sites and news organizations may be focused on heavily in 2022 and 2023. Some of these policies may make it illegal to promote unsubstantiated data and information through public platforms and channels. Though this may not operate perfectly, it may severely cripple existing sensationalism models within news and reporting agencies. A series of incidences which endanger and promote violence against public and media professionals may act as a support for these initiatives.
- There may be an all time surge of new government sponsored and supported jobs between 2021–2023 across a variety of industries to aid the country in recovering from the declined economy as employment rates swing wildly. These jobs may include opportunities in, but not limited to, local administration, social services, contract work, infrastructure, medical sciences, education, law enforcement, etc.
- There may be a larger push and return to evolving the trade union and agreements between Canada, Mexico and the United States. It may be known as the North American Trade Union & Alliance. This effort may have advanced under the Trump administration and may continue on to evolve under further administrations. It may be an attempt to improve the economic relationship between these 3 countries. The agreement may also severely undermine further trade agreements with the US and Asian countries whose production levels were severely impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. These trade agreements may usher in a new era of trade and productivity which could transform the social political landscape in Mexico and Canada.
- A new military base facility, expansion and installation may be built along the US Mexico border which would become a training ground for a United States, Mexico Military partnership to establish stronger consistent US presence in Mexico and offer support for an evolving threat from a splintering of Drug Cartels and corrupted Mexican government branches. This could be due to the dissolving power of their drug producing, distributing and manufacturing capabilities as drug legalization continues in the states. This would also ensure a stronger control of the US border and reduce ongoing issues with human trafficking and illegal crossings until a future travel, crossings agreement is brokered under an alliance agreement.
- Mexico may start to see new levels of growth and expansion as the US brokers new manufacturing deals which would reduce it’s dependency on Asian pacific countries for all of it’s manufacturing. This may also increase the opportunities of work and reduce the trend of job seekers crossing illegally into the US to search for work. This would also reduce the cost for large corporations and businesses who shift their infrastructure to support the trade agreements through tax incentives.
- A 3 line high speed type train system will be announced that connects most of the US territories and offsets the declining Airline industry. One of the lines will connect Canada, the United States and Mexico. Another of the 3 lines that connects with Texas may stall or take longer to complete due to boundary disputes and political divisions between the states and federal government. The line in dispute may become bypassed and then eventually connected to a line within Texas that is agreed upon which essentially does what the original option would of provided to some degree. This system may be built in conjunction with Tesla, Virgin industries or similar organization.
- Up to 3 new states may join the Union. One is already within the US mainland. The other two may exist outside the mainland or in other regions. We may also loose one state because of a trade deal and internal workings/political divisions of that state.
- A universal basic health care option which is tax supported may be made available to all Americans. There may also be a 3 tier system that allots for private insurance companies to continue their model while also sustaining industry competition for those willing to buy into their system. The second tier is a better level of coverage which is what is represented by our current standard of coverage and is a buy in option. The third tier is the highest level and is similar to the second tier with buy in option and access to advances in the industry.
- The US government will bail out one of the major airline carriers, possibly United Airlines, which may in turn roll into it’s own business other smaller struggling carriers. The deal will ensure sustainability despite oil’s economic decline and pandemic challenges, while also providing jobs to thousands of people. The carrier will be co-sponsored or marketed after the bail out as a kind of national carrier, with regulatory pricing, and will align it’s business model to include new standards due to health initiatives because of COVID-19.
- Small business packages/loans/grants will be offered to a percentage of struggling businesses to shift their model to include new health restrictions because of COVID-19 regulations. This would support the businesses past a period of economic decline, which may be unavoidable, and also assist in the transition of new health restrictions. This would also assist local contracting businesses and prop up smaller local economies.
- The housing and real estate industry may experience record highs for sales in 2020 and this trend may carry over into 2021. Though there may also be a period of decline in sales within inner cities as well as a surge of foreclosures. The US may work with banks and financial systems to attempt to stabilize the market but may be limited in achievable results. Business dwellings and offices may trend to convert into residential housing or in to smaller more affordable build-outs. Business rental spaces may also become increasingly popular for smaller start-ups and individual use. Entertainment spaces such as green screen media studios, activity spaces, etc. may also become a trend and replace permanent large space business models as many corporations embrace remote work models.
- Several major banking corporations will begin to go under due to the declined economy and inflated operations. This could spark regional break-ups of the organizations themselves in an attempt to remove under performing areas. People may begin to move their money to other banking systems and smaller local banks or credit unions. Wells Fargo may be one of the major banks in decline and may make headlines several times during this period. This may be sped up by a public panic to pull out money and move it because of misinformation and a lack of understanding from the general public.
- Medical insurance companies may begin to decline or resist fulfilling legal claims due to a huge decrease in profitability. This may lead to various legal battles between customers and the medical industry. As customers may not receive the coverage they are entitled to and medical organizations may not be paid for services. This will lead to a tax sponsored public insurance option which will levy the conflict against a defective insurance system and force the organizations into alignment under the new system or risk systematic failure.
- The US may sponsor a medical training program initiative to offset a large drop and loss in medical professionals due to the trauma of the COVID-19 period. This would require a contractual agreement with new doctors, nurses, etc. that is similar to new military officers. This would also offset educational and training costs and prop up the shortage of professionals in the industry to support demand.
- There could be a new federal law enforcement agency or changes in current law enforcement organizations through large amounts of diversity training, recruitment and the establishing of an independent organization. This new agency or independent organization would be focused on peace keeping, enforcing federal law and would gradually transform and become incorporated with local law enforcement agencies in a kind of partnership. This independent organization will act as an auditing mechanism and branch of the federal government. It will also enforce accountability of local organizations and attempt to reduce criminal bias and mistreatment of citizens within the law. It will serve as an extension to existing law enforcement but be accountable to federal mandates and precedence. A surge of recruitment for a new breed of law enforcement and peace keeping officers will also provide opportunities for employment to a declined economy.
- A new educational program will replace prior systems in many regions with revolutionary technological models that reduce the dependency of in-classroom attendance. In-classroom options may still remain available for younger grades. This would increase the need for teachers in smaller teaching pods, improve quality of education and reduce costs for facilities which may be converted into other services to support various local and public service initiatives and student extra curricular activities. This may also include college education initiatives at high school grade levels which could compete with the traditional college system education.
- Birth rates may begin to decline in large numbers due to a variety of factors, both health and culturally. Within 10-20 years we may see a downward trend in population growth within the US and throughout most developed countries.
- Retirement financial plans and investment models may change as a new sustainable retirement or Social Security option is introduced which may increase it’s viability and include an insurance program through tax initiatives, buy ins and reduce the need for individual retirement planning & saving on a basic level.
- Facebook will be in decline as the CEO is replaced with a new female CEO at the start of a new year. Most likely 2021 or 2022. This will be based on initiatives to reduce misinformation, disinformation and increase a model around business and community engagement. Mark Zucerberg may remain on a board but will not serve Facebook in an official capacity.
- Public educational initiatives around historical events will become a trend and various new public museums and organizations will support an effort to retain authentic and accurate historical context for new generations of people.
- There may be an increase of monuments dedicated to the events and reforms brought on by the people’s protesting efforts and government defiance of 2020 and surrounding years. Large cities and places like Seattle, Portland, Denver, New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. may be some of the places included with the string of new monuments.
- A new agency will be created attached to the department of homeland security which will focus on homegrown terrorism, white supremacy and attempts by radical groups to disrupt and harm civilian life. This will include branding the KKK and any similar groups as illegal and terrorist organizations.
- NASA will be rolled in to the new space agency as an extension branch and will focus on defense capabilities, though the science sector of the organization will continue work with various academic circles and university programs.
- A DNA database will become mandated through the US health organizations in an effort to resolve issues dealing with any pandemic and also to assist in proper accounting of US citizens and through Law Enforcement support efforts. This may align or mimic similar trends across the globe.
- Other chemical and biological warfare attempts may take place in other regions of the world that may initiate stringent bio and chemical Arms laws and mandates. This may increase to the level similar to nuclear arms laws, restrictions and global policies designed to pressure countries with scientific capabilities to reduce their stockpile and operate through a global oversight organization.
Scientific & Technological Advances
- There may be 3 predominant Covid-19 vaccines which may be offered to populations before summer of 2021. 2 out of the 3 may have better track records for preventing infection without extreme side effects. 1 may be based out of the United States. One may come out of Europe and another out of Asia. The one which may become most sought may also have the ability to reduce rate of infection for various other strains and viruses. There may be a partial cure for the predominant strains of Covid-19 through a targeting of the protein make up and genetic sequence. Of the virus within 2–5 years though this may not include all strains of the virus or significant mutations. The primary focus of a cure will be to reduce its ability to integrate or use host material for replication through the protein make-up.
- The invention of a new alloy mix equivalent or superior to steel composed with glass, fractured aluminum, plastic, and possibly other components such as barimite (baryte) or barium will produce a new lighter building material that could begin to replace steel as a leading structural component as it gets easier and cheaper to manufacture.
- A new data transmission service will become popular and replace or out perform traditional hard wired data transmission services. It’s more dependable and faster than wifi and uses a kind of pocket protection model that reduces the ability for security compromises. It increases the data load of each pocket greatly increasing capacity beyond current data transmission structures and reducing load through traditional interfaces and cell towers.
- Grocery store chains will transition to a warehouse delivery, pick-up model being the primary method of the selling of goods. They will reduce products that do not perform effectively and focus primarily on goods that show consistent use by the population. The idea of going into a grocery store to shop aisles of products will become outdated and unsustainable. New smaller mini-grocery stores may start popping up with fueling station chains which may replace the traditional grocery model to fulfill the desire of traditional grocery shopping.
- Nostalgic centric hotels/motels will become popular with people wanting to have an experience reflected by a past or future historical period. Motels and portable bnb’s will become more popular than the traditional hotel operational model.
- Pop up towns and settlements based around a mobile lifestyle and mobile home or travel vehicle will become more and more prominent as more and more people move away from larger cities and coastal communities impacted by climate change.
- DNA & Genetic markers or variables will be accounted for and noted as links to the extreme effects of Covid-19 and other health related conditions. A tech based warning system will be formed and expanded on existing Covid-19 tracking systems to alert the public of risks and dangers.
- A biomedical technology using sensors inside of chips may be introduced as a means to identify imbalances, diagnose simple conditions within certain bodily functions or mechanisms by chemical and data analysis. This may be similar to automobile sensor technology in which a diagnosis of conditions is made through the computer hub system aboard most vehicles. This technology may also replace existing methods of diagnosing blood sugar, blood pressure and hormonal irregularities. The chip or nano biomedical sensor can be implanted within the skin or throughout various areas of the human body safely and may use the body’s electrical kinetic current to charge. Once scanned by a mobile device, it shares vital data for the efficient treatment of the diagnosis.
Energy, Climate Change & Planet Sustainability
- California will continue to face water shortages, due to advancing climate change, which may also affect greater areas of the Southwestern territories including Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, etc.. A financial package and deal may be brokered between the different states/territories which would also get support from the federal government for California to build several desalination plants along the coastal areas. This would offer economic relief through jobs for contractors and citizens as well as pave the way for an agreement to provide fresh clean water to the southwestern territories in greatest need to offset their own shortages.
- The oil based energy industry will continue it’s decline. There might be an uptick in early 2022 due to an agreement/government contract with Canada and Europe but there’s a strong push and transition towards wind, solar, coal, synthetic coal fusion and updated form of atomic fusion based energy. Many farmers may convert their land to energy production solar, thermal and wind farms through financial incentives as farming becomes more controlled in facilities designed to counteract the effects of climate change.
- A mass migration over a 10–15 year period may occur in cities with residents moving away from the coastal communities of Florida, the gulf coast, Mississippi River region as well as other territories as sea levels rise several feet and habitable areas become reduced.
- There may be an increase in farming bio-technology, organizations and facilities which may focus on crops with a multitude of applications including fuel or oil based alternatives. This technology may also increase usable crop yields as there is more of a focus on effective and efficient food production and waste reduction. Some of these facilities may be subterranean and become more popular over time.
- There may be a massive earthquake in the middle eastern territories that may be connected to crustal displacement due to production and extraction of oil within 3–5 years. Though it will have severe impacts on the region, the countries will continue to function largely as they have. This may also occur in other parts of the world where oil has been extracted in large enough quantities. Thermal variables will contribute to the earthquakes as the heat absorbed by liquids through fracking efforts underneath the earth will not sustain the same level of stability as oil would have under the same temperatures.
- Florida, Texas and other gulf coast states will become increasingly impacted by high water, beach erosion and flooding as hurricanes and ocean patterns change making it more and more susceptible to such.
- Australia may become the first country to attempt to recreate the conditions and effects of a tropical rainforest within its territories.
World Events & Trends
- A trade or cooperative organization similar to the European Union will be formed, which includes partnerships with North America (US, Canada & Mexico) and several European countries. This Cross Atlantic type union may form several international agreements, one of which may grant legal protections under a broad citizenship class type for every citizen within the union’s boundaries.
- Mexico may start to see new levels of growth and expansion and the US brokers new manufacturing deals which would reduce it’s dependency on Asia pacific countries for all of it’s manufacturing. This may also increase the opportunities of work and reduce the trend of job seekers crossing illegally into the US to search for work. This would also reduce the cost for large corporations and businesses who shift their infrastructure to support the trade agreements.
- The division between the US and China may continue. Ongoing human rights violations as well as a trend of economic decline begin to affect the Chinese economy. New agreements between China, Russia and African nations may be made that offset the United State’s pull back with their dependency on China for Goods and Products.
- A large country will begin use of digital currency almost entirely within 2020–2023, most likely of Asian origin. This will be backed by smaller countries and banking systems. Other countries will join the trend. The US will be one of the last major countries to join the trend as they may focus on a system that is created specifically for the US by the US and not by these other systems. It will not use current cryptocurrency options but instead be based on a point system that appears more dependable.
- A collection of African countries will form a grouping or alliance of conservative governments focused on preserving traditional biblical values which may be considered radical and mimic the US bible belt and evangelical sentiments. This may become an example of extreme Christian integration within government without equal human rights checks and balances. There may also be a splintering off of several nations within the country which may resemble North and South Korea divisiveness.
- The British Royal Family will dissolve it’s financial standing and relinquish signifiant assets, including Buckingham Palace to a preservation society and organization. They will still participate in governing traditions, but will no longer receive substantial financial support through government. The initiative may be announced through King William after Queen Elizabeth’s passing but may not be complete until the following heir is crowned.